Last Name
First Name
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Maiden Name
Nick Name
Place of Birth
Sangerville, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Dexter, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 3-20-1919, p.1
Jacob A. Bridges Funeral services for the late Jacob A. Bridges were conducted from the home on Spring street, Tuesday afternoon, Rev. E. M. Trafton, pastor of the Free Baptist church officiating. The services were largely attended and there was a profusion of floral offerings which bore silent testimony of the high esteem in which the deceased was held here and elsewhere. Mr. Bridges was born in Sangerville about 76 years ago, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Otis Bridges. In early life he was united in marriage to Miss Sarah A. Brown who survives him as do their children, Mrs. Edith Dill of Houlton, Mrs. Emma Rollin, Mrs. George Upton of this town; also a son, William Bridges of Fort Fairfield. Mr. Bridges' resided for many years in Aroostook county where he prospered as a farmer, returning to this town about a dozen years ago where he purchased the farm now occupied by C. A. Bugbee. Giving up active farming several years ago he moved to the village and occupied a home on Spring street. Mr. Bridges was a man who had a wide circle of friends and held for him the highest of respect and esteem. He was a member of the Masonic orders, the Odd Fellows and the G. A. R. He served through the Civil war with valor and since being in this town has taken an active participation in the affairs of Safford post, G. A. R. Mr. Bridges has always taken a great in- terest in town.affairs, and in politics was a Republican. He served the town as a deputy sheriff under Sheriff A.L. Thayer.