Last Name
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Place of Birth
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Ripley, ME
Date of Death
E.G. 3-2-1922, p.5/E.G.3-9-1922, p1
John F. Nutter John F. Nutter, an aged and respected resident of this section, passed away at his home in Ripley, just over the Dexter line Tuesday evening. He has been in poor heath having suffered a shock some time ago, and since then has been confined to the house. Mr. Nutter was a member of the G. A. R. After serving his country faithfully and honorably in the Civil war, he returned home and purchased the farm near Chandler's Corner, a large part of which be cleared and where he has since lived. He leaves one son, Arthur Nutter of this town and two daughters, Mrs. Mandville Russell and Mrs. George Knowles. His age was about 79years. The funeral will he at ten o'clock at his home, Friday forenoon. The Eastern Gazette 3-2-1922, p.5 Another Civil WAR veteran was removed from our few remaining, when John Nutter passed away February 28, at his home in the northeast part of the town. He had been very feeble for a long time, and had been tenderly cared for by his daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Knowles. The Eastern Gazette 3-9-1922 p1