Last Name
First Name
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Place of Birth
Dexter, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Dexter, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 4-17-1924, p.5
Mrs. John L. Morrison The death of Mrs. Nancy Morrison, wife of John L. Morrison of this town occurred early Tuesday afternoon at her home on Main street after a long period of failing health. Mrs. Morrison was born in Dexter, her maiden name having been Miss Nancy Copeland. She has spent the greater part of her life in this town. She was years old last February and her marriage to Mr. Morrison took place 49 years ago. Mrs. Morrison was a home loving woman and was one who enjoyed the respect, and esteem of a large circle of friends who deeply regret her passing. Mrs. Morrison is survived by her husband, and the only other near relatives are a niece, Mrs. Bemis pf Brownville and a cousin, Clinton Copeland, of Corinna. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock. On p.8 was the following announcement: Funeral services for Mrs. Nancy Copeland Morrison wife of John L. Morrison were conducted from the home Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. William Garner, pastor of the First Universalist church officiating. There was a great profusion of flowers from relatives and friends. The bearers were Messrs. William Morrison, George Morrison, George Safford of Dexter and Harold Briggs of Bangor. During the afternoon of the funeral the mills of the Morrison Woolen Co. were closed down. Interment was in the Morrison mausoleum at Mount Pleasant cemetery.