Last Name
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Place of Birth
Greene, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Waltham, MA
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 1-8-1925, p.5
Evie Mower Farrar Tuesday, Dec. 30th, after an illness of only a few hours, at their home in Waltham, Mass., Evie Mower Farrar, wife of Andrew S. Farrar, entered into rest. Mrs. Farrar was born in Greene, July 18, 1848, the daughter of Warren and Louisa (Gilmore) Mower, the mother being the half sister of General O. O. Howard. In 1864 Mr. and Mrs. Mower with their two daughters, Emma and Evie, moved to Dexter, where the parents ever after resided. In October 1870 the daughter, Evie, became the wife of Andrew S. Farrar, who for a period of years was engaged in business in Dexter. Mr. and Mrs. Farrar resided on the homestead just north of the village where two daughters, Louise and Fannie, were born to them. In 1901 the family moved to Waltham, Mass., where they have since resided, Mr. Farrar having been connected with, the Waltham Watch Co. Mrs. Farrar was a woman of fine spirit, intelligent and devoted, a home- maker and a church worker with all this implies. The family have always held a helpful and prominent place in the Methodist church. Funeral ser- vices were held at the home in Wal- tham, Friday afternoon, Jan. 2, and at the Methodist church in Dexter Sunday afternoon, Jan. 4. Among the older generation in Dexter are many with whom Mrs. Farrar was intimate- ly associated in earlier years and who recall with pleasant associations their acquaintance with her.