Last Name
First Name
Middle Name
Henry P.
Maiden Name
Nick Name
Place of Birth
Solon, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 5-4-1944, p.3 (LHC)
WILLIAM HENRY P. BEMENT 1812 -1895 W. H. P. Bement, commonly known as Henry, was born in Solon, Maine, September 14, 1812, the son of 'Major' Walter Bement, who brought his family to Dexter about 1825 and settled on the farm now known as the Martin Farm, just beyond the Elmwood Cemetery. On June 22, 1834, he married Zylpha Tucker, eldest child of Samuel L. Tucker and his wife, Lucy Southard Tucker. They lived many years on Spring Street and brought up a family of seven children. Henry Bement was a carpenter and builder. He did much fine hand work such as was afterward taken care of by machinery, doors, sashes and blinds. He also manufactured furniture and made a large part of the furniture for Penobscot lodge of Free Masons, including the Altar. He was a good Mason, well informed in the usages of the order. He was a Universalist and seldom absent from the Sunday services. He died January 24, 1895.