Last Name
First Name
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Nick Name
Place of Birth
Dexter, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Dexter, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 11-6-1930, p.5
Stanford M. Leighton The many friends, of Stanford M. Leighton, for a quarter of a century prominent in banking circles were sorry to learn of his death Tuesday morning at his home on Zion's Hill, following an illness of only two days. Mr. Leighton suffered a shock Sunday from which he never rallied. Mr. Leighton was born in Dexter September 10, 1853, the son of Joshua W. and Laura Additon Leighton. He received his education in the public schools in this town and in 1898 organized the Waterville Trust Company of this town and acted as its manager. In 1910 he went to Newport and for one year managed the Kenduskeag Trust Company of that town, returning to Dexter in 1911 he was made treasurer of the Dexter Trust and Banking Company until that bank consolidated with the Merrill Trust Company, when he was made manager of the Dexter Branch and remained as such until he retired in 1922. Mr. Leighton was president for many years of the Abbott Memorial Library holding that office at the time of his death, he was vice president of the Dexter Loan and Building Association, also a director and member of the finance committee of that organization, he served a time as a member of the Board of Selectmen and was always interested in the affairs of the community in general. He was a member of Plymouth lodge, I. O. O. F. of this town, of which he was a Past Noble Grand. The passing of Mr. Leighton removes from the town one of its prominent and much loved citizens. Mr. Leighton is survived by his daughter, Miss Bertha Leighton, of the faculty of the Western State Teacher's College at Kalamazoo, Mich ., and by two sisters, Mrs. Emmie A. Bradeen of this town and Mrs. Ida M. Chandler, of Brookline, Mass. The funeral was at the residence this afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. William J. Metz officiating. The family have the deep sympathy of a wide circle of friends.