Last Name
First Name
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Maiden Name
Nick Name
Place of Birth
Corinna, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Dexter, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 2-20-1930, p.8
Willis C. Percival Friends of Willis C. Percival were grieved to learn of his death which occurred last Thursday evening at his home on Maple street, after several weeks illness and a long period of failing health, during which periods his fortitude in continuing his work for the Maine Central railroad won many words of commendation. He was born in Corinna 54 years ago, but had been a resident of Dexter for about 30 years. For a number of years, he was manager of the Enterprise Creamery in this town, later entering the grocery business with George Libby on Grove street. For the past eight years he had held the position of crossing tender for the Maine Central. He was a member of Dexter Grange and a man who had always been highly respected by all and beloved by many who came in touch with his kindly nature. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Seavey Percival; by four daughters, Miss Nellie Skillings, of Palm Beach, Fla., Mrs. James J. Howell of Sangerville, Mrs. Walter Russell of Southern Pines, N. C., and Miss Maple Percival, a teacher, in Terryville, Conn; by a son, Ernest Percival, a student at the U. of M.; by three brothers, Maurice Percival, of Bangor, Wallace Percival, of Portland and Elton Percival of Corinna; and by one sister, Mrs. John Smart, of this town. Funeral services were held Sunday forenoon at 10 o'clock from the home. The house was well filled with friends and neighbors in spite of the fact of the extreme cold and drifted condition of the roads. On account of the inclemency of the day, it was not deemed wise for the relatives to take the five mile journey over country roads to the Ripley cemetery, where the family lot is, so interment was postponed until 1 o'clock Monday. The bearers were all relatives of the family, Keith Percival, John, Charley and Albert Seavey, Seldon Strout and Kenneth Crawford. The floral offerings were profuse and beautiful. Two ministers conducted the service, Rev. William J. Metz, present pastor of the First Universalist church offering opening prayer and reading the Scripture, and Rev. Stanley Gates Spear, a former pastor of the local church and close friend of the family for many years, having charge of the remainder of the service.