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Place of Birth
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Hollywood, CA
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 5-14-1931, p.5
Fred Milton Bisbee Passed from the earthly life May 4th 1931 at his home in Hollywood, California. Funeral services were held there on May 5th. A native born son of Maine he began his life September 27, 1853. He was a graduate of Westbrook Seminary and later entered the University of Maine, being graduated in the class of 1876. He took the Civil Engineering course and also took a special course in Pharmacy. Early in his career as Civil Engineer, he superintended the construction of the first railroad built by American capital in Mexico, a line from El Paso to Chihuahua. In 1884 he married Miss Addie Hamilton, only daughter of George Hamilton of Dexter, and for a few years resided here and held a clerkship in the Drugstore of Levi Bridgham. But most of his life he worked at his profession of Civil Engineer. Mrs. Bisbee passed away in 1911 at a Los Angeles hospital. In 1913 Mr. Bisbee married Mrs. Hattie Close Martin who survives him. Mr. Bisbee was connected with the Santa Fe Railroad Company at several different times, and each time he returned to them he was given a better position. His last position was that of Chief Engineer of the Western lines. In 1922, when he retired on a pension, he had been in their employ for forty-four years. After his retirement he built a beautiful home at Hollywood, Cal., and there, hanging in a favored place may be seen the Certificate of Honor for long and faithful service, presented in the name of the Santa Fe Railroad Company by its President, Mr. Story. Mr. Bisbee's remains were brought to Dexter for burial, accompanied by Mrs. Bisbee. As escort, the Santa Fe Co. sent Mr. Wise of the Engineering Department in Los Angeles. Interment was on May 12, when a simple committal service was conducted at the grave by a delegation from Penobscot Lodge, F. & A. M. of Dexter. Other relatives present were Mr. Bisbee's niece, Mrs. Eva Bisbee Small, of Washington, D. C.; and a cousin, Mrs. Ruth Bartlett, of Concord, Mass.