Last Name
First Name
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Place of Birth
Corinna, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Dexter, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 2-12-1931, p.1
CHARLES H. HAYDEN Aged Dexter Florist Passed Away Saturday Evening Charles H. Hayden, one of Dexter's oldest and most highly respected business men, died at his home on Lower Main street Saturday evening, after an illness of six weeks, from complications. For the past 38 years he has been engaged in the florist business here, and has endeared himself to all who knew him, by his integrity and kindliness. He will be sadly missed by many business associates, fraternity friends and neighbors. He leaves one daughter, Mrs. Clara H. Crossland, who shared his home and assisted him in his business; one sister, Mrs. Lindley H. Folsom, of this town, and two brothers, Rev. W. W. Hayden of Dover-Foxcroft and A. L. Hayden of Corinna. Mr. Hayden was born in Corinna May 12, 1847, the son of the late Warren and Emmeline Hayden. He has lived in Dexter since March 11, 1863. He was employed for 24 years by the Maine Central Railroad, before taking up the florist business, in which he was most successful. He was a member of Plymouth Lodge of Odd Fellows 56 years, and with his wife, Sarah Bridgham Hayden, was a charter member of Martha Washington Rebekah Lodge No. 18, I. O. O. F., instituted Dec. 5, 1879. He was the possessor of a Rebekah Victorian Jewel presented to him by the local Rebekah lodge in appreciation of his 52 years of membership. He was a member of Silver Lake Encampment, I. O. O. F., Canton Dexter, No. 8, Penobscot lodge, F. and A. M., Wassookeag chapter, O. E. S., Bedivere Lodge, Knights of Pythias Crystal Temple Pythian Sisters an honorary member of the Dexter Club. For 34 years he was a director of the Dexter Loan and Building Association and for 32 years a member of the finance committee of that Association; also a member and deacon of the First Universalist church of Dexter. Funeral services were held Tuesday fternoon at 2 o'clock at the Universalist church. The church was well filled with Fraternal organizations, business associates, members of the Dexter Club, neighbors, friends and relatives. A wonderful display of flowers bore beautiful tribute to the esteem in which he was held in the community. Rev. Ashley A. Smith of Bangor and Rev. William J. Metz of the local church, were the officiating clergymen. The active bearers were Nathan C. Bucknam, representing the Dexter Club; George E. Safford, Bedivere Lodge, Knights of Pythias; George H. Hall, the Loan & Building Association; Almon R. Page, the neighbors; Herbert Downing. Penobscot Lodge, F. and A. M.; Roy Thomas, the Odd Fellows. Honorary bearers were Capt. Percy A. Hasty, Thomas A. Smart and J. Leonard Packard, friends; Arthur P. Abbott, Loan and Building Association; Charles Towle, the Dexter Club and John W. Springall, trustee of the Universalist church. Those attending the services from out of town were Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Hayden and Mrs. Stanley Merrill, Dover-Foxcroft; A. L. Hayden, Corinna; Mrs. Stephen Thorne and Miss Rita Thorne, Millinocket; Mrs. Marion Yeo, Bucksport; Charles Folsom, Augusta; Mrs. Inez Crosby, Camden and Arthur Thompson, Brewer.