Last Name
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Place of Birth
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Brewer, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 9-20-1928, p.5
Charles C. Chandler Charles C. Chandler, who was born in Dexter in 1861, died at his home in Brewer Saturday forenoon, Sept. 15, after an illness of but a few days, following a shock, aged 67 years. Mr. Chandler became a resident of Pittsfield in 1887 and was in the employ of R. Dobson & Co., a firm since merged with the American Woolen Co., for over twenty-five years, but retired and located in Brewer fourteen years ago. In 1885 he married Clara H. Vining of Lisbon Falls and the three children born of this marriage survive: Raymond A. Chandler of Portland, Clayton V. Chandler of Cambridge, Mass., and Dr. Irene B. Chandler of Philadel- phia, Pa. Mrs. Chandler died in 1907. In 1910 he married Mrs. Sarah J. Collins of Brewer, who survvies him as do two step-children, Dr. James H. Collins of Memphis, Tenn., and Miss Claire M. Collins, of Brewer. Mr. Chandler was devoted to his family and his home life was exceptionally happy throughout the years. Of his father's family, but one sister, Mrs. Abbie C. Corey, of Portland is left. Mr. Chandler was educated in the Dexter public schools and was a member of the Free Will Baptist church of Pittsfield. Of very quiet retiring demeanor, he nevertheless held the friendships which he made and was highly respected. The fu- neral was held at his late home, 260 South Main street, Tuesday forenoon at 10.30. The remains were taken to Pittsfield for interment.