Last Name
First Name
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Maiden Name
Nick Name
Place of Birth
Sangerville, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Dexter, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 10-9-1930, p.5
Mrs. Ethel Thompson The many friends of Mrs. Ethel Thompson, wife of William W. Thompson, were shocked to learn of her death which occurred at her home on High street, suddenly at 6 o'clock, Sunday evening. Although Mrs. Thompson had been sufering from heart trouble for several years, she had been up around and Sunday was about the house, although she complained of not feeling well. Her death is a severe shock to her family and friends. Mrs. Thompson was born in Sangerville 59 years ago but for many years had been a resident of this town, where she endeared herself to all who came in contact with her through a genial disposition and kindly nature. She was a home maker of the highest type and the comfort and happiness of her family were always uppermost in her mind. Mrs. Thompson was a member of Wassookeag Chapter, O. E. S., of this town. Be- sides her husband, she is survived by one daughter, Miss Ruth Thompson, of this town, and by two sons, Ray, of Dexter and Ralph, of Ports- mouth, N. H. The family have the deep sympathy of a wide circle of friends in their bereavement. The funeral services were conducted at the home on High street Wednesday, Rev. W. J. Metz, pastor of the First Universalist church officiating.