Last Name
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Place of Birth
Parkman, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Dexter, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 1-26-1933, p.5
Mrs. Abbie Blake The community was again saddened Monday morning by the news of the death of Mrs. Abbie King Blake at the home of her son, Harry A. Blake, at their home on Main street. She had been ill only a week and her condition had not long been considered critical. She was born in Parkman in 1855, the daughter of the late Myles and Dorcas Larrabee King. Since early girlhood, Mrs. Blake, has been a resident of Dexter. She is the widow of the late Alfred Blake and the only near relatives surviving are the son with whom she lived and his two sons, Donald and Stanford Blake. She has been a faithful member of the local Methodist church and Ladies' Aid for many years, and she also belonged to the Dexter Grange and H. F. Safford W. R. C. Funeral services were held Wednesday forenoon from the home on Main street, Rev. E. Mercer of the Methodist, church officiating. The bearers were Manville Russell, Geo. Knowles, Elbridge Atwater and Ira Merrill. There were quantities of beautiful floral offerings bearing silent testimony to the esteem in which the deceased was held. Many attended the services, among them Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Cousins of Guilford. Interment was in the family lot at Mt. Pleasant cemetery.