Last Name
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Place of Birth
Dexter, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 3-14-1935, p.1
WAS LIBRARIAN 45 YEARS Miss Lizzie S. Springall Passes After Long Service For the Town Miss Lizzie S. Springall, librarian of the Abbott Memorial library in this town for 45 years, passed away last Friday evening at the age of 74 years. She was a life-long resident of Dexter, the daughter of the late Dr. John D. and Emily Abbott Springall. She first entered library work when just out of high school, acting as assistant to her brother, the late Amos A. Springall when the library was in the rear of the Springall drug store. When her uncle, the late Geo. A. Abbott, gave to the town the present library building she became its first librarian. In 1926 she retired because of ill health and was made honorary librarian. She has been an active and devoted member of the First Universalist church and teacher in the Sunday school for many years, also a member of Wassookeag chapter, 0. E. S. The only near relatives are a sister-in-law, Mrs. Jennie Springall, with whom she has lived for the past year, and a cousin, Joseph K. Springall of this town. More distant cousins live in Maiden, Mass. Funeral services were held from the home on Church street Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. William J. Metz of the Universalist church officiating. The bearers were Donald Champion, Arthur Page, Roy Cheney and Elwin Crosby. Those attending the services from out of town were Cyrus Springall of Malden, Mass.; Mrs. Mary Hatch Howard of Bangor; Mrs. Robert Gill and Miss Pauline Gill of Brockville, Ontario. The service was attended by many friends of the deceased and the floral offerings were beautifully expressive of the love and esteem in which Miss Springall was held in the community. The interment will be in the family lot in Elmwood cemetery.