Last Name
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Place of Birth
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Bangor, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 1-28-1937, p.1
FATAL COASTING ACCIDENT Raymond Merrill and Ruth Staples, Students at N. H. Fay High, Victims of Coasting Collision Tuesday Evening Two High school students are dead as the result of a coasting accident which occurred Tuesday evening at about 10 o'clock. Raymond Merrill and Ruth Staples were sliding on Liberty street across from Main when their sled collided with a bob steered by Omar Bertrand which was coming down Liberty from Spring street. The accident took place near the George Park Mfg. Co. Dr. H. E. Whalen and an ambulance from Ramsay & Gates Co., were called and the two injured young people were rushed to the Plummer Memorial hospital. Young Merrill, whose chest was crushed and abdomen pierced by the runners of the other sled, died on the way. Miss Staples' injuries were in the throat and internally. She was given treatment by Dr. Whalen and Dr. O. R. Emerson of Newport, and later rushed to the Eastern Maine General hospital in Bangor, where she died last night at 7 o'clock from internal hemorrhages. Ruth Staples, also 15 years of age, was the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Staples, Railroad avenue, and was a member of the Sophomore class of N. H. Fay High. Mrs. Staples accompanied her daughter to Bangor and remained with her until the end. Mr. Staples, who has employment in Saco arrived Wednesday morning and was immediately taken to the Bangor hospital. The remains were brought to Dexter this forenoon and funeral services will be held at the residence Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock with Rev. Kenneth R. Hutchinson officiating. Both young people were very popular among their classmates in town and the deep sympathy of the community is extended to the grandmother and parents of the boy and girl.