Last Name
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Place of Birth
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Gardiner, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 4-18-1940, p.5
Mrs. Emma Schoppe The remains of Mrs. Emma Schoppe widow of Seth Schoppe arrived at the funeral parlors of Raysay & Gates Saturday from Gardiner where she passed away Friday. Funeral services were held at the parlors Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. Loren W. Dow of the Methodist church officiating. Mrs. Schoppe lived a good many years in Dexter and was an active member of the Methodist church and Ladies' Aid. Her husband passed away about three years ago and she stayed in Dexter until last fall when she went to Willow Rest Home in Gardiner, where she died. As far as known by her friends in Dexter she has no near relatives, the nearest a cousin in Gardiner, having passed away quite recently.