Last Name
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Place of Birth
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Dexter, ME
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 3-5-1942, p.1
CHILDREN VICTIMS OF ACCIDENTS - ONE FATAL For the first time in a number of years, a Dexter child was the victim of a sliding accident, involving an automobile, Thursday noon when Douglas Wallace, six year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Wallace, was struck by a truck, as he slid dawn a driveway into the highway. The boy was sliding at the home of his uncle, Archie Wallace, not for from his own home and high banks of snow made it impossible for th edriver, Larry Dube, to see him in time to stop the truck which was owned by Storer Kimball. Dr. H. L. Taylor was called and had the child removed to the hospital where he died a few hours later from a fractured skull and other possible injuries. State Police Officer A. C. Dorr investigating, pronounced it unavoidable and exonerated the driver frmo all blame. Funeral services were held at the Ramsay and Gates funeral parlors Sunday afternoon, Rev. Ondon Stairs of the First Baptist church officiating. Interment will be in Mt. Pleasant cemetery in the spring.