Last Name
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Place of Birth
Exeter, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 4-11-1946, p.6
Funeral services for Mrs. Abbie Fernald were held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of her son, Harold Fernald, Holts Mills, with Rev. Gordon Chilson Reardon, minister of the First Universalist church in Dexter officiating. Mrs. Fernald was the daughter of James and Abbie Straw. She was born in the neighboring town of Exeter and received her education there. She was married to Augustus J. Fernald, who died several years ago. Mrs. Fernald was a member of the First Universalist church in Marlboro, Mass. The pall bearers were Wendel Johnson, Clyde Lee, Carol Austin, Warren Miles, Sheldon Ellis and Arthur Covel. There was a large attendance of relatives and friends of the deceased. The floral offerings were profuse and beautiful, showing the high esteen in which she was held. Interment was in the Evergreen cemetery in East Corinth in the family lot. Attending from out of town were: Miss Mabel Fernald of Marlboro Mass., Miss Bertha Fernald, Brooklyn: N.Y., Walter Fernald, Vineland, N.J., Mrs. Maud Austin, Mr. and Mrs. Carol Austin of Parkman, Mrs. Bertha Fernald, Mrs. Doris Scholfield, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roach, East Corinth, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Miles Farmington, Maine, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson, Jaui, Wendell and Pauline Johnson, Mrs. Glady Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Covel, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Ellis, Mrs. Florence Cheney of Dexter Mrs. Edith Fernald and son of Exeter.