Last Name
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Place of Birth
Parkman, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 4-12-1945, p.1
LT. FRED R. CLEMENT KILLED IN ACTION Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clement have received word from the War Department that their son Lt. Fred R. Clement was killed in action March 2. He was previously reported Missing In Action over France since that date. Lt. Clement was a pilot on a P-19 and had completed more than fifty secret missions since he went overseas last August. A few days after notification of their son's death, Mrs. Clement received a letter from her son's buddy, a Fighter Pilot, Somewhere in France. The letter follows: Dear Mrs. Clement: It is my hope that this isn't the first you have heard of Fred's accident. Fred and I were roommates from the moment of his entrance into the squadron and grew to be very good friends. While turning over Fred's belongings to the squadron adjutant, I came upon some pictures and thought it best to send them to you myself, knowing you would like to have them. In regards to Fred's accident, there is very little I can say. While going on a mission it was necessary to climb through some clouds and one of the other boys in the flight slid across and cut off the tail of Fred's plane. It is impossible for me to say more now, but I have the address of Fred's aunt, who lives near me and I could give her the details and she in turn could give them to you. If there is anything I can ever do, please don't hesitate to write. Sincerely, 1st. Lt. Howard E. Cain Fred R. Clement was born in Parkman April 20, 1923, the son of Ralph and Mae Elderkin Clement. When a small boy he moved to Dexter with the family and has lived here ever since. He attended the Dexter schools and graduated in the class of 1942 at N. H. Fay High school. After graduation he was employed by the South Portland Shipbuilding corporation until his induction into the service February 1, 1943. He was a member of North Dexter Grange. Survivng besides his parents are a brother, Bruce Clement; two sisters, June and Rosalie Clement and a grandmother, Mrs. Carrie Clement of Parkman. The remains of First Lieutenant Fred R. Clement, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clement of North Dexter, has been returned to the United States aboard the U. S. Army Transport Oglethorp Victory, according to word received from the Department of the Army. (The Eastern Gazette 7-15-1948, p.1) Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clement of North Dexter have received word that their son, lst Lt. Fred R. Clement, who lost his life in a plane crash somewhere over France on March 1, 1945, after completing 51 missions, will arrive in Newport on Friday morning, Aug. 20, at 10:30 A. M. Funeral services will be held at the Free Baptist Church on Spring street, conducted by the Rev. Harold Wheeler at 2 o'clock Saturday, Aug. 21, with commital services at the Pingree Center cemetery in Parkman. Places of business in Dexter will be closed on Saturday from 2 to 3 P. M. (The Eastern Gazette 8-19-1948, p.1)