Last Name
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Place of Birth
Dexter, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Hyde Park, MA
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 2-27-1964, p.3
DOSTY RICHARDS A funeral Mass was held Saturday morning, Feb. 22, at Hyde Park, Mass., for Dosty Richards, about 60 years of age, who died suddenly in that city on Feb. 18. While promoting a boxing benefit show for Boston Little Leaguers at the Hyde Park Sports Auditorium, Dosty had just finished refereeing the first two bouts when he was stricken by a heart attack. Recently elected president of the Veteran Boxers Association of Boston he was to have been installed at a banquet March 15. The son of Frank and Emma (Woods) Richards, he was born at Dexter and was educated in the schools of this town. During his earlier years he was well known for his boxing ability and became Maine bantamweight champion. He had made his home at Hyde Park for the past 20 years. He is survived by his wife, Rose (Greenier) Richards; two sisters, Mrs. Edna Nowell and Mrs. Rebecca Widden; and a brother, Francis Richards, all of Hyde Park, Mass.