Last Name
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Place of Birth
Dexter, ME
Date of Birth
Place of Death
Providence, RI
Date of Death
The Eastern Gazette 10-19-1944, p.5
Mrs. Effie Dow Funeral services for Mrs. Effie Dow, 74, widow of the late James Dow, were held Monday afternoon from the First Universalist church and were attended by a large number of friends and relatives who gathered to pay final tribute to one who was much admired and held in highest esteem by all who knew her. Beautiful flowers were in profusion. Rev. Gordon Reardon, pastor of the church, officiated and the bearers were C. H. Ansell, William Hair, Fred Packard and Dr. A. C. Strout. Interment was at Mt. Pleasant cemetery. Among those from out of town attending the services were the two sons: Frank Dow of Washington and Douglas Dow of Providence, R. I., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Packard, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Packard of Sebec; Mrs. Hattie Horne, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Merrow, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gilbert and S. A. Dow of Sangerville; Mr. and Mrs. P Stanley Weymouth of Augusta, and three representatives from the Customs office in Portland. Mrs. Dow died Saturday at her son's home in Providience, following a few days' illness. She was born in Dexter January 23, 1870, the daughter of Benjamin and Rebecca Davis, but after the death of her parents, when she was only a girl, she went to Mayfield to make her home with an aunt. Her early married life was spent in Sangerville, but the family moved to Dexter more than thirty years ago, where Mr. Dow was well known in the woolen manufacturing business. After her husband's death about ten years ago, Mrs. Dow spent the winters with her sons and the summers with friends in Dexter. She was a member of Rebecca Weston Chapter, D. A. R., the Dexter Garden Club, the U. F. Club and was a past president of the Woman's Literary club. She was a regular attendant at the First Universalist church and was an ardent worker in the Ladies' Aid. Surviving are the sons, Frank, who is assistant commissioner of customs in Washington, D. C. and Douglas, who is with the Providence, R. I. office of the American Woolen Company; a sister, Mrs. Hattie Horne of Sangerville; and three grandchildren, Packard Dow of the armed services; Mary Dow, a student at Purdue University, and Joan Dow of Providence.